Offshore infrastructure

​Marine pests can have a serious effect on the offshore petroleum industry.

They are easily spread by contaminated equipment, vessels and floating infrastructure. If marine pests get into your waters and equipment, they can:

  • corrode pipes and internal seawater systems
  • damage infrastructure
  • increase maintenance costs
  • reduce vessel fuel efficiency.

Keep it clean and free from pests. Train staff to identify marine pests. Report anything you find.

Keep it clean

Keep marine pests out of your waters and infrastructure.

Anything you submerge in water can spread marine pests. This includes permanent or floating structures, submersible equipment, drilling units and vessels.

Risks are particularly high when you move to a new area after long periods stationary or at low speeds.

Protect your business and Australia’s waterways:

Avoid any action that could spread pests to a new location.


Biofouling is one of the most common ways that marine pests spread. They can attach in large quantities on vessels and equipment and move long distances. They will then spread to the next location you use your equipment or vessel.

Biofouling increases the longer a vessel or structure is submerged or when antifouling paint is not regularly applied.


Pests can be transported on your equipment. This includes anchoring arrays, gravity anchors, spud cans, seismic survey equipment and remotely operated vehicles.

Keep your equipment free from biofouling. Look for pests or unusual growth.

  • Check your gear carefully. Do this when you finish using it in each location.
  • Extend all retractable parts. Clean your equipment thoroughly.
  • Make sure your equipment is clean and dry. Do this before storing it or using it in a new location.

Remove anything you find. Dispose of it in the area of pick-up or on land.


Moving floating structures between locations can spread marine pests.

Plan your activities. Be aware of the risks. Have a biofouling plan to address these risks.

  • Check and clean infrastructure regularly.
  • Create a biofouling management plan. Use it when you move structures or vessels between locations.
  • Include biofouling risks in how you will manage decommissioned or abandoned structures.


Vessels moving bet​ween locations can spread marine pests.

Check, treat and clean vessels regularly. Include hard to reach


Know your area

Keep a lookout in your area.

Be informed. Look for anything unusual. Help stop the spread of marine pests.

Local requirements

States and territories are responsible for managing marine pest risks in their area.

You must meet requirements set by your relevant state or territory authority:

Report it

See something unusual? Report it. Even if you’re not sure.

If you see something you think is a pest:

  • note the exact location (screenshot your map app or enable photo geotagging on your phone)
  • take a photo (use something for size reference, like a coin or note)
  • contact your state or territory authority.






Maritime security and regulations: