Emergency Marine Pest Plan

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2025

The Emergency Marine Pest Plan is Australia’s contingency framework for marine pest emergencies. The plan is a series of manuals that describe Australia’s policy approaches and relevant technical information to support emergency responses.

The response manuals and the Biosecurity incident management system: marine pest version form part of the emergency marine pest plan response guides.

Response manuals

Four marine pest response manuals provide guidance on responding to specific priority marine pests or taxonomic groups. In addition, the marine pest response manual provides information on managing emergency responses to marine pests where a specific marine pest manual does not exist.

The manuals provide management and technical information required to manage emergency responses, including:

  • guidance and rationale for incursion response
  • marine pest assessment
  • pathways and vectors of introduction and spread
  • surveillance and delimitation
  • containment, control and eradication
  • decontamination, destruction and disposal.

These manuals may be used when:

  • planning for response to marine pest biosecurity incidents
  • responding to a suspected or confirmed marine pest incursion.

Each manual is adapted from AUSVETPLAN and AQUAVETPLAN.

Biosecurity incident management system: marine pest version (BMS: MPV)

This guide gives general advice on how to manage responses and recovery during biosecurity incidents in Australia, with special focus on marine pest issues.

It provides guidance on:

  • starting a biosecurity incident response and deciding its scope
  • steps needed to manage a biosecurity incident
  • reviewing a completed response
  • roles and communication lines between control centres, consultative committees, and national or state management groups
  • responsibilities within an incident management team
  • standard terms used in incident management
  • special considerations for responding to marine pest issues.

The guide can assist with:

  • planning a response to marine pest biosecurity incidents
  • running staff training and development activities
  • designing response exercises
  • responding to actual marine pest biosecurity incidents
  • evaluating any of the activities listed above.

Response manual

Marine pest response manual

Response manual for invasive marine crabs

Northern pacific sea star (Asterias amurensis) manual

Black striped mussel (Mytilopsis sallei) and Asian green mussel (Perna viridis) manual

Japanese seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) manual


Biosecurity incident management system: marine pest version